You can transfer your Feed Viewer ID more easily
The latest update (version 150.1.5) has several new features. The most significant is the new way of transferring a user’s ID to other devices. The old method wasn’t very convenient. The app generated a special link that had to be transferred via email to the target device, and the user had to click on the link after installing the app. The new method is much easier. You just click on the button, and the app will generate a single-use token. When the app launches for the first time, it allows you to choose whether to create a new user profile or use an existing one. The second method requires just rewriting the token to the active user’s profile on another device.
Another improvement focuses on the sharing experience. If the receiver has Feed Viewer installed, the article is opened within the app. Moreover, it is saved into a new specialized category of shared articles. It serves similarly to a reading list but contains only those articles that were shared by others. (The content of this category is not synchronized with other devices yet, but this is something that will be done in a future update.)
And one more thing – Feed Viewer is available for iPhone devices in the TestFlight program. The application is practically ready for existing users of the Windows version. Synchronization with iPhone should work as easily as with Windows Mobile. In fact, synchronization improvements introduced last year were inspired by and backported from the Feed Viewer prototype for iOS.