Feed Viewer is free for Ukrainian citizens

The unprovoked Russian attack against Ukraine, an internationally recognized independent democratic country, is a barbaric and inexcusable act of aggression. Russia has never known where its borders are. Russia has invaded Ukraine for the fourth time – in 1918, 1944 (don’t even think about the liberation narrative), 2014, and 2022. One in two Ukrainians has died a violent death. Nowadays, Russian troops are firing guns at civilian cars and ambulances, launching missiles towards residential houses, and performing large-scale cyber-attacks. The spread of disinformation has been rapidly escalating and aims to fulfill not only political but also military objectives.

According to people from the area, accurate information is as important as food. Therefore, Feed Viewer is free for Ukrainian citizens. This applies to all subscription tiers except the Premium.

Due to calls from the Government and the National Center for Cyber Security, Feed Viewer adopts a policy of active countermeasures against the Russian war disinformation campaign.

Monday, February 28, 2022